This blog is all about Solar energy, solar panels, solar cells, solar energy and crises different nations faces in the energy sectors.....!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Solar Panels, Solar Energy & Solar Power Save Energy. Help Save the Planet & Save You Money The Energy Saving Alternative
This website is a fantastic resource for all things Solar Energy and Solar Power. Feel free to explore this exciting Alternative Energy website and richly educate yourself about free solar power, solar panels and solar electricity, the No.1 renewable energy of the future.
Learn some fresh Energy Saving Tips and what you can do to install a back up solar power system or a net metered Solar Power System in your home or business. Your utility supplier actually pays you for supplying them the excess electricity generated by your solar panels and fed back to the grid.
While you are here, do join our mailing list of well informed solar energy insiders and readers. You receive your monthly newsletters full of great information including topical updates, gas solar panel system ideas and hot comments on what’s happening within the solar energy industry. Get the latest Information about Climate Change and ways YOU can profit from the coming solar electricity revolution.

olar energy is one of the many renewable sources of energy that is used for fueling vehicles, running consumer products and for the efficient running of homes and business establishments. Solar power is harnessed with the help of solar cells and solar panels which are placed in the item that has to be powered.
The solar car is something that is envisioned to materialize in the future, with some countries already having solar cars racing across countries.
With this, it is proven that it is viable to indeed produce and manufacture solar power cars in bulk, in the near future so that everyone will soon own a solar power car.
Of course, once solar power cars are manufactured, it does not implicate that all other fuel sources for cars on highways will be removed. All that is done in solar power cars is the supplementation of traditional fuel with solar energy so that you save not only on your economy, but also save the environment in more ways than one every year.
The solar power cars that are used in races today run only on solar power, and thus look odd in appearance. This is because these cars are designed in such a way that they can collect maximum solar energy with which it is possible for the car to gain the required speed and desired efficiency.
The solar cells used in solar power cars are large, and usually cover the entire vehicle. However in case of commercial uses, solar cells are much smaller and designed so that the vehicle not only looks attractive, but is also efficient in its functioning. Solar cars can be used for short commutes in town as these cars can work only on solar energy.
The batteries found in the vehicle stores excess solar power so that this power can be used when solar power is not available on demand like on cloudy days and at nighttime. The engines found in these solar power cars are very much like the engines found in electric cars found today. In addition to this, the cars are lightweight, so that solar power can be used more efficiently.
At present, there are many types of solar power cars in the development stage today, which are also available for sale. However as these cars are in the developmental stage, the car is not available to the general public. With so many benefits found in solar power cars, its cost will not be much higher than the cost of the traditionally powered vehicles of today.
Another benefit of solar power cars is there is no hassle of stopping at gas stations for gas nor is there the need of getting worried of rising gasoline costs. With a solar power car, you save on the money that you would have otherwise have needed for buying fuel to run your car. In addition to this, with solar power cars you will be doing your bit in stopping global warming problems as there are no fuel emissions from solar power cars.
Plan to operate 800,000 tube wells on solar energy
A delegation of International Renewable Energy System led by Alexander Klass met Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif at CM’s Secretariat here Thursday.
During the meeting, Chief Minister and Mr Klass decided in principle to launch a project to produce and supply solar energy to villages. The German company, according to the agreement, would provide the latter with expertise to launch a solar energy project.
Talking to the German delegation, the Chief Minister said that Pakistan is facing energy crisis, which is adversely affecting agriculture, industries and other sectors. He said that Punjab government is working on various projects for the generation of energy from alternate sources including hydel power and coal. He said that agriculture is the backbone of national economy and government is taking solid measures for the uplift of this sector.
He said that tractors are being provided to cultivators on subsidised rates and a huge amount of Rs 2b has been allocated for this purpose. He said that Germany has expertise in solar energy sector and this technology can also be used in Punjab for operating tube wells and supply of power to villages.
Solar energy to illumine 400 villages
“The PC-1 for electrification through solar energy has been approved and an amount of Rs 450 million allocated for the project,” he said. He said the Adviser to the Prime Minister, Dr Mohammad Ali, held a meeting with the district Nazim Arbab Anwer recently and tenders for illuminating Pakistani villages through solar energy were being evaluated.
He said the Asian Development Bank has defended the project on solar energy in the Planning Commission of Pakistan but the funding is being done by the government of Pakistan. “We hope to involve the private sector in a big way,” he added.
The Alternative Energy Development Board in collaboration with the Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP), a non-profit, non-governmental organisation of Tharparkar, has illuminated 109 houses of village Bharmal in Tharparkar though solar energy. The village has a population of 780 people.
“Every house in the village has been electrified through solar energy,” Mohammad Yaseen, an engineer working for the Alternate Energy Development Board told The News in village Bharmal. “Every house can now enjoy the facility of four bulbs, one fan besides a solar cooker,” he said. “The solar cooker works only during the day, directly through the radiation of the sun,” he added.
“Children of the village can now study during the night and women can do their embroidery work,” he said. “The village was short of fuel wood due to drought and was spending Rs 600-800 per month on oil for a home,” he added. He said after the village has been provided solar energy, every family was contributing Rs 100 per month for the maintenance of the project.
“The criteria to choose a village for electrification through solar energy are that it should be 20 kilometres away from the grid and we are collaborating with TRDP that provided us a list of villages in Thar which need solar energy,” he said.
In the wake of high cost of oil, developed as well as the developing countries are vying to meet their needs through solar and other sources of alternative energy. A recent article in SciDev.Net, a prestigious scientific Web paper, quoted two German research reports as saying that deserts in the Middle East and North Africa could generate vast quantities of electricity to sell to Europe.
“The studies found that concentrated solar power plants, occupying less than 0.3 per cent of the desert area in the region, could provide 15 per cent of Europe’s electricity needs by 2050,” the article said.
“The high transmission losses of 10-15 per cent per 1,000 kilometres of cable used would be offset by the sheer volume of electricity produced, said the Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Corporation (TREC), a network that helped conduct the studies,” it said.
“Every year, each square kilometre of desert receives solar energy equivalent to 1.5 million barrels of oil. Multiplying by the area of deserts worldwide, this is nearly a thousand times the entire current energy consumption of the world,” said Franz Trieb, project manager for the two reports at the German Aerospace Centre.
Solar thermal power plants use mirrors to concentrate solar energy to create steam and generate electricity, creating the cheapest electricity available — costing less than $0.60 per kilowatt-hour.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Rising Energy Demand
Top reasons to invest in Plutonic Power Corporation
Large development portfolio
Plutonic Power has one of the largest renewable power development portfolios in Canada. Currently, the company has applied for or holds licenses on 40 rivers in the province, on which nearly 2000 MW of renewable green power generation could be developed. The Company has also identified a number of future development sites in BC.
Projects under construction
Plutonic Power was awarded the largest Energy Purchase Agreement from BC Hydro's 2006 Call for Tender. This has lead to the construction of the 196 MW East Toba River and Montrose Creek Hydroelectric Project (Toba Montrose Project) located in south-west British Columbia. Plutonic, and financial partner General Electric Energy Financial Services, have commissioned Peter Kiewit Sons to build this $660 million project. Construction of the project began in June 2007 with an opening ceremony attended by government, community and First Nations leaders, including BC Premier Gordon Campbell. The Toba Montrose Project is expected to be completed mid-2010 and will be the largest run-of-river project in the province.
Future Calls for Power
Plutonic Power is currently pursuing two project proposals under the 2008 Clean Power Call. The Upper Toba Valley Project consists of 3 project sites with a total potential generating capacity of approximately 166 MW and the Bute Inlet Project consists of 17 project sites with a total potential generating capacity of approximately 1027 MW.
Rising electricity prices
Most analysts expect that energy prices will remain high for the foreseeable future. High energy prices benefit Plutonic by further strengthening the economic case for renewable power.
Emission Reduction Credits revenue opportunity
Emission reduction credits (ERCs) are negotiable financial instruments that represent an offset of greenhouse gases. It is expected that within the next few years these offset credits could represent substantial financial value. Some of Plutonic's projects may have the potential to offset hundreds of thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, thus creating further value for shareholders.
Continued need for domestic electricity supply
Domestic demand has been increasing at a compounding 2% per year. The Independent Power Producers Association of BC has determined that it is far less expensive for the province to buy domestically-generated power than to import from the United States and Alberta. There is an urgent need for the development of domestic power generation in BC. Plutonic Power is well positioned to help BC meet this electricity need.
Long term assets
Once built, Plutonic's suite of renewable energy projects are designed and engineered to operate for decades, thus providing a long and stable stream of cash flow to investors.
No commodity fuel risks
Unlike gas and coal generated power plants, which are economically affected by changes in commodity prices, Plutonic's projects are powered by rainwater, glacial runoff and wind. On the sales side, energy purchase agreements are normally made under long term contracts (25-40 year terms), which are annually inflated according to a CPI escalator. EPA's are made with high credit buyers such as BC Hydro, a provincial crown corporation with an S&P credit rating of AA.
Non-depleting and renewable resource
Unlike oil and gas, the resource that will power the Company's projects, rainwater, glacial runoff and wind are completely renewable and non-depleting. A renewable resource is defined as energy source that can be replenished through natural processes or through sustainable management practices within one human life span.
Tight Capital structure
Plutonic has approximately 65.2 million common shares outstanding and 70 million shares fully diluted outstanding.
Insider ownership
Management, Directors and Insiders of the company own approximately 15% of the outstanding shares.
The Economics of Renewable Energy Systems for Developing Countries
"Most renewable energy devices now tend to be attractive primarily to people already using costly commercial power. Just as is happening in the United States, for example, some Third World city-dwellers are discovering that solar energy may be cheaper than electricity for heating water ... Such systems will be of greatest use to the wealthy; there is little reason to suppose they will be of comparable interest to the poor."
"Rather than concentrating on devices of the sort described above, organizations concerned with the poor might seek to meet basic energy needs through simpler systems: village woodlots, improved wood stoves, hand or pedal pumps and grinders, hydraulic ram pumps, and so on. Emphasis would be on systems whose benefits were likely to be commensurate with their costs, and whose costs were likely to be within reach of the poor. Given this approach, ways might be found to make energy widely available to people most in need of it."
In addition to pointing out the dubious appeal of the higher cost group of alternative technologies, the methods of economic analysis clearly presented here can be used to help evaluate other renewable energy technologies. This report will also be helpful to people who need to understand the methods and concepts of analysis often used by major aid agencies.
States, practical and economically competitive alternative energy systems already exist that could replace the entire nuclear power contribution to U.S. energy supplies. (Editor's note: Wood space heating stoves [selling 1-2 million units a year] (surpassed nuclear power in total contribution to U.S. energy supplies in 1980!)
For village level applications, there are many promising existing technologies. The five sections which follow explore of these in more depth: sun, wind, water, wood and biogas. These technologies are small-scale and necessarily decentralized . This, rather than any other technical inferiority, is the primary. reason earlier forms of these technologies were eventually passed over in the industrialized countries. While these systems cannot very effectively be used for the power needs of large industry, they can be well suited to the needs of villages and small communities. They can be low in cost relatively simple in construction and maintenance, made of materials available in villages and small towns, and non-polluting.
With each price increase in the worlds diminishing oil supply, renewable energy sources are made more attractive. The decentralized supply of these renewable energy sources wind power, solar energy, water power and biofuels matches the decentralized settlements of the rural South. Planners and program administrators are increasingly convinced that these technologies have a major role in the energy supplies of rural communities.
Rays of Hope makes the argument that the exponential increases in energy consumption characteristic of industrial societies cannot continue, and therefore industrial development in all countries will have to shift towards decentralization, conservation, improved energy conversion efficiency, and better matching of energy quality to end use needs.
Other books in this section review the most attractive renewable energy technologies likely to fit the circumstances in the rural South. Renewable Energy Resources and Rural Applications in the Developing World also notes the domestic and foreign policy implications that come with choice of energy strategy. Energy for Development: Third World Options points specifically to reforestation programs for fuelwood and soil conservation as high priorities in energy planning. A catalog of commercially available small-scale power generating equipment, entitled The Power Guide, has been introduced by ITDG. This book includes both renewable energy devices and diesel and gasoline engines. A good place to find an overview of technology options is in Renewable Energy Technologies: Their Applications in Developing Countries, which includes coverage of some of the lesser known choices such as briquetting of agricultural wastes and use of vegetable oils as an engine fuel.
The increasing acceptance of an important role for renewable energy systems, noted earlier, has led to proliferation of pilot projects. Economic feasibility has not been properly considered in many of these projects, a fault perhaps most common in large international and bilateral aid agencies, who should know better. The Economics of Renewable Energy Systems for Developing Countries offers three case studies illustrating this problem, and a methodology for evaluating the economic appeal of any renewable energy project. Author David French notes that, in particular, large agencies seem to have forgotten that most of the rural poor do not use commercial fuels and thus cannot simply switch cash payments towards the purchase of new equipment:
"Most renewable energy devices now tend to be attractive primarily to people already using costly commercial power. Just as is happening in the United States, for example, some Third World city-dwellers are discovering that solar energy may be cheaper than electricity for heating water .... Such systems will be of greatest use to the wealthy; there is little reason to suppose they will be of comparable interest to the poor."
In the rural South, most of the energy used is in the form of firewood and crop residues gathered and burned in cooking fires. Low-cost locally built cooking stoves can greatly increase the efficiency of cooking, reducing the demand for fuelwood up to 40%. This would both slow the rate of deforestation and lighten the burden of long distance wood hauling. Technologies that use local materials and skills, such as improved wood stoves and village wood lots, are more likely to be immediately affordable than expensive devices such as solar pumps, photovoltaic systems, and biogas plants in almost all cases.
Monday, January 11, 2010

A practical example of the use of solar energy could be seen in some villages of Pakistan where each house has been provided with a solar panel that’s sufficient to run an electric fan and two energy saving bulbs. Prior to this arrangement, the whole village used to be plunged in pitch dark during night. One such example is the village with the name of Narian Khorian, some 50 kilometers away from Islamabad, where 100 solar panels have been installed by a local firm, free of cost, to promote the use of solar energy among the masses. Through these panels, the residents of 100 households are enjoying light and fan facilities. Had these panels not been installed, the people living in this area wouldn’t have even dreamt of getting this facility for decades as the provision of electricity from the national grid was a far cry due to the difficult terrain and high expenses involved.
A layman would normally be interested in knowing as to how electricity could be produced using energy from the sun. Simply put, it can be said that the basic item required to generate this electricity is a solar cell, approximately 2 inches x 1/2 inch in dimension. These cells may be available in other dimensions as well. Some 80 to 100 or even more such cells are pasted on a tampered glass sheet whose dimensions are generally 1.5 feet x 4 feet. The glass sheet with cells pasted on it and inter-connected, is called a solar panel. The light from the sun is used to generate electricity through these cells. It may be clarified that it’s the sun’s light and not its heat that produces electricity. The solar cells are called photovoltaics (PV); the word Photo meaning light and voltaics electricity. The life of a solar panel is approximately 20 to 25 years!
To give you an example of the use of solar energy, you must have noticed solar panels installed on poles along with the telephone booths on your left hand side while commuting on the Motorway. Each of these telephones is being powered by this panel. A battery is installed beneath each solar panel to store energy for keeping the telephone in operation during night when there’s no sun light. It’s a stand-alone system, entirely powered by solar energy. During emergency, the commuters make use of these telephones and call for help.
To give you another example, if you happen to drive from Rawalpindi (Faizabad) towards Murree on the newly constructed Murree Road, you would see on your right hand side blinking red hazard lights installed at the top of each WAPDA pole. Each of these lights is being powered by a stand-alone solar system i.e. a solar panel and a battery. Just imagine, how much expensive and full of hassle it would have been if solar panels weren’t used for this purpose and these lights were provided normal electric connections!
Other Interesting Facts about Solar Energy:
In one hour more sunlight falls on the earth than what is used by the entire population in one year.
A world record was set in 1990 when a solar powered aircraft flew 4060km across the USA, using no fuel.
Fierce weather cost the world a record $130 Billion in the first eleven months of 1998- more money than was lost from weather related disasters from 1980 to 1990 ($82 Billion).
Researchers from the Worldwatch Institute and Munich Re blame deforestation and climate change from Earth warming for much of the loss. The previous one-year record was $90 Billion in 1996. Source - Associated Press, November 28,1998.
About 2 billion people in the world are currently without electricity.
Accounting for only 5 percent of the world's population, Americans consume 26 percent of the world's energy.
Electric ovens consume the most amount of electricity, followed by microwaves and central air conditioning.
Third world countries with an abundance of sunlight and a population currently without electricity, represents the fastest growing market for solar energy, with the largest domestic market being the utilities sector.
Shell Oil predicts that 50% of the world's energy will come from renewable sources by 2040.
Facts about Solar Energy systems:
A 1-kilowatt home solar system takes about 1-2 days to install and costs around US$10,000, but can vary greatly and does not take into account any incentives offered by the government.
A 1-kilowatt home solar system consists of about 10-12 solar panels and requires about 100 square feet of installation area.
A 1 kilowatt home solar system will generate approximately 1,600 kilowatt hours per year in a sunny climate (receiving 5.5 hours of sunshine per day) and approximately 750 kilowatt hours per year in a cloudy climate (receiving 2.5 hours of sunshine per day).
A 1-kilowatt home solar system will prevent approximately 170 lbs. of coal from being burned, 300 lbs of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere and 105 gallons of water from being consumed each month!
About 40 solar cells are usually combined into a solar panel and around 10-12 panels mounted in an array facing due North to receive maximum sunlight.
The system usually comes with a 5-year warranty, although the solar panels are warranted for 20.
Relying on the battery back up, a solar energy system can provide electricity 24x7, even on cloudy days and at night.
Solar panels come in various colours.
Solar energy can be collected and stored in batteries, reflected, insulated, absorbed and transmitted.
Solar Energy Cost
By installing a solar electric system you can SAVE MONEY, break free from the clutches of your utility company and HELP the Environment too.
Only 20 Years ago, solar energy cost 7 times as much. Advanced technologies have contributed to the enormous decrease in price, but it is mainly due to the increase in manufacturing volumes, as more and more people realise the benefits of solar energy.
There’s more good news. Solar energy cost will continue to decline as the market continues to grow, making it even more affordable.
Governments too have realised the benefits. Incentives are available form state, federal and local governments, as well as some utility companies.
Industrial Applications

For many years, Solar Energy has been the power supply of choice for Industrial applications, where power is required at remote locations. This means in these applications that solar power is economic, without subsidy. Most systems in individual uses require a few kilowatts of power.
The examples are powering repeater stations for microwave, TV and radio, telemetry and radio telephones.
Solar energy is also frequently used on transportation signalling e.g. offshore navigation buoys, lighthouses, aircraft warning lights on pylons or structures, and increasingly in road traffic warning signals. Solar is used to power environmental and situation monitoring equipment and corrosion protection systems (based on impressing a current) for pipelines, well-heads, and bridges or other structures. As before, for larger electrical loads it can be cost effective to configure a hybrid power system that links the PV with a small diesel generator.
Solar's great benefit here is that it is highly reliable and requires little maintenance so it's ideal in places that are hard to get to.
City Residential homes
Solar PV modules can be retrofitted on to a pitched roof above the existing roof-tiles, or the tiles replaced by specially designed PV roof-tiles or roof-tiling systems. If you are planning to put a PV system on to a building and have it connected to the grid supply there are likely to be local regulations that need to be met, and permission required from your utility or electricity service provider. The level of credit for any exported electricity will vary depending on local schemes in place.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Pannon Installs Solar Panels to Run Transmission Tower
Long-term environment commitment
“This move from Pannon is part of our long-term ambition to significantly reduce carbon-dioxide emissions from our activities,” says CEO Ove Fredheim. “The key elements of our strategy are to decrease energy consumption, recycle mobile phones and network devices. In addition - the new Pannon Headquarters is unique in Hungary – as radical environmental considerations played a central role in the construction of the buildings.”
Annual Co2 reductions
The solar cells will supply about half of the base station’s annual consumption of 10-11 kWh. The nominal output of each of the 17 solar cell panels is 160 Wp. The installation of a base station like the one in Baracska will involve a 2.2 ton reduction of carbon-dioxide per year. Currently, the return on investments for solar energy powered transmission towers is slow, but as the price of energy increases, renewable energy sources are picking up interest.
Free air cooling systems
Since 2000, Pannon has gradually switched to what are known as free air cooling systems; these are presently used by 90 per cent of the transmission stations. The systems make it possible to decrease the energy consumption of air-conditioner units and consequently, reduce the level of Co2 emissions.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis of its Viability

Solar energy, a beacon of sustainable power, beckons us with promises of cleaner living and reduced environmental impact. Yet, as with any innovation, there are complexities to consider. Here, we delve into the realities of solar power adoption, examining its potential challenges and undeniable advantages.
The Path of Practicality: Factors Influencing Solar Power Suitability
While the allure of solar power is undeniable, its feasibility varies based on location and upfront costs. The initial expense of installing solar panels, inverters, and other necessary equipment can be a barrier for many. The dream of achieving energy independence is sometimes overshadowed by this financial hurdle.
To maximize solar power efficiency and derive its full benefits, a vital consideration lies in the available roof space. A substantial area is necessary to accommodate the required number of panels. The positioning of your home is equally crucial; abundant sunlight is essential to generate substantial energy. Factors such as shading from trees or neighboring structures can significantly impact energy production potential.
The Pakistani Perspective: Solar Power's Viable Frontier
In the context of Pakistan's unique geography and climate, solar power emerges as a standout solution. With abundant sunlight throughout the year, the region proves to be an ideal canvas for harnessing solar energy. The geographical disposition and available solar radiation make solar power a potent contender for meeting energy needs sustainably.
Unlocking the Value Proposition: Benefits Beyond the Horizon
Despite the initial cost, a long-term view unveils the true potential of solar power. Over time, the investment begins to pay off, eventually leading to savings on energy bills. Moreover, solar energy enhances property value, offering a tangible return on investment.
The Clean and Independent Energy Paradigm
Beyond the financial considerations, solar energy offers unprecedented independence. In the event of power outages, solar-equipped homes remain illuminated, ensuring an uninterrupted flow of electricity. Remote locations, untouched by conventional power infrastructure, find solace in solar energy's reach. On a grander scale, reliance on foreign power sources diminishes as solar energy steps into the limelight.
A Resounding Call for Sustainability
Ultimately, solar energy stands as an embodiment of environmental stewardship. Its renewable nature means a perpetual supply of clean power, free from carbon emissions and pollutants. The inexhaustible source strikes a balance between human progress and planetary well-being, distancing us from the damaging grasp of fossil fuels.
Solar power beckons us to embrace the future, where our homes are powered by the sun's abundant energy. It is an investment not only in our wallets but also in the health of our planet. As we embrace this dynamic energy transition, we pave the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.
Solar Energy and Personal Empowerment
Harnessing the Sun: How Solar Energy Empowers Individuals and Communities Solar energy isn't just about powering homes; it's about ...
An electrical current whose magnitude and direction stay constant. The photovoltaic cells on solar panels capture energy from sunlight in ...
During photovoltaic conversion, solar energy is collected through panels, called solar panels. Solar panels are covered with large modules w...
Two or more electrochemical cells enclosed in a container and electrically interconnected in an appropriate series/parallel arrangement to...