Friday, August 13, 2010

Things To Remember For Effectiveness Of Utilizing Solar Energy

The idea is that the boiler won’t need use as much electricity, as the water is already hot from the solar water heater. The best tactics to build either one of these systems can be found in many basic solar power manuals. However, it’s important to count exactly how much energy you can save before

Building Your Own Residential Solar Panels

Utilizing the facility of the sun with a view to generate electrical energy for home use is without doubt one of the most popular strategies, and has been for decades now. The problem is that having the panels professionally installed is out of reach for most homeowners. So for a very long time many householders

Solar lighting

One of the main reasons daylight saving time began was to save energy. The reasoning behind this observance was that the least amount of electricity is used while people are in bed, sleeping (no lights, etc.) By springing time forward, the duration between sunset and bedtime is lessened. The brighter it is before bedtime, the lesser lighting will be necessary for daily business.

Solar lighting in the home provides free, renewable energy with every flick of a light switch. Solar energy is not simply renewable, but also inexhaustible. It is interesting to consider that, were everyone to utilize the sun's free energy for lighting and general electricity, one of the purposes for observing daylight saving time would be gone.

Of course, the extra light available in the evenings may be enough of an advantage to keep daylight saving time around. Regardless, many would simply appreciate the savings which the use of solar lighting produces.

This is true on an individual scale as well as on a governmental one. There have been many cultural and political initiatives taken to reduce energy use before and since the conception of daylight saving time. The United States has had varying energy policies since the colonial days, beginning with standard procedure for timber and coal use. In more recent years, three energy policy acts have been passed in 1992, 2005, and 2007.

It is never too soon to start saving money in terms of energy costs. Solar lighting can aid with this by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and the electrical grid. In addition to this, it works to save the environment. There is no risk of depleting the planet’s resources, nor any production of harmful waste or emissions.

The use of solar lighting may simply be a cost effective choice, or it can be used to make a statement about responsible energy use. It is also possible the buyer is simply fascinated with new technological advancements. Whatever the reason, installing solar lights at a home or building can spread interest in solar technology to other members of a community. The more people are exposed to a 'novel' idea, the less novel and more reasonable it becomes. This would increase energy benefits on a wider scale.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are one of the basic components of any photovoltaic system. At we carry a variety of panels from top manufacturers such as GE, Evergreen, Sharp, and Schott. But panels themselves are only a part of what it takes to run a PV system. In order to succeed, you will need several other components as well as a realistic assessment of your energy goals and current usage.

Your current usage is probably the single most important fact to bring into the discussion of obtaining solar power. Knowing what you use will allow you to accurately assess how many solar panels it would take to meet part or all of that usage. Looking at your current usage also gives you a great idea of what steps you can take to reduce your power consumption.

In addition to solar panels, a good PV system includes an inverter, batter storage/backup, and possibly a grid tie-in. An inverter is necessary because your panels produce direct current, while your home uses alternating current. It is important to remember that the conversion from DC to AC does take a voltage hit, so you will need to budget extra power to ensure that enough is left after the transfer to meet your needs.

Battery backup allows you to run off of solar power even when the sun is down. Studies have shown that peak power usage lasts from about 6pm to midnight in most areas. This is when everyone gets home, turns on the TV, the oven, lights, what have you. For most of the year, half of the 6-12 timeframe is too dark to produce meaningful power. To get around this, solar systems can store excess power they produce in batteries and then use that power once it is needed.

Solar Electric panels

Solar electric panels are high- efficiency, low maintenance ways to turn sunshine into usable electricity right at the location of the power demand.

Solar electric panels, or photovoltaic (PV) panels, are mounted in an unshaded area facing south, southeast, or southwest for use in a home or business that is already supplied with utility power or a home or cabin that is located a distance from power lines.

About the Grid Tie
Solar electric panels which are used in a system that already has utility power is called a ‘grid tie.’ These systems use no batteries but co-exist with the current utility grid, providing the best of both worlds. Solar panels that are used on a home or cabin that does not already have utility power is called an off- grid application. These systems use batteries to store power for night use and cloudy days, providing an independent, stand- alone system.
High Noon Offers Flexibility
High Noon Solar is highly experienced with solar electric design and installation of both types of applications, grid tie and off grid. Follow the links below to learn more about the solar electric system that best fits your situation and needs.

Solar energy systems in Pakistan

Many friends have enquired about availability of solar electric systems in Pakistan. I tried to contact many companies, claiming to have such systems including Siemens Pakistan, they did respond to my emails but failed to give any further information.

Today there is a news item from APP about the offer from Highnoon Group to electrify one village. I just found their website and have gathered some information from there, which is being posted here. I shall continue my search about solar systems and update visiting friends. I have decided to create a separate category about energy in order to gather all the information under one category because energy is the main issue these days in Pakistan; we have to explore new ways to have cheaper energy sources.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Green Hotels Use Solar Hot Water

More and more commercial operations are turning to renewable energy to green their practices to both save money and the environment. In fact, green hotels use solar hot water to significantly defray operating costs and energy usage.
We’ve written about solar hot water systems incorporated into breweries and dairies – both of which have high hot water demands. It shouldn’t be surprising that hotels and resorts that turn to solar hot water can really cut down on energy demands.
Consider that one of the largest components of hotel operating costs is hot water. Not only is it used by guests to take showers and shave, but significant amounts are demanded each and every day to wash towels and other linens, clean guest rooms and more.

Instead of relying on electricity, natural gas or oil, green hotels can now use solar hot water to maintain profit margins and avoid passing on energy cost increases to their guests. In fact, many properties can expect to save thousands of dollars each year as a result of installing solar hot water.
One company, SunMaxx, has a super solar hot water system for both residential and commercial use. In fact, they can help you develop a solar system to meet the needs of a hotel or resort, including pool and spa heating.
According to its website, a SunMaxx Solar Hot Water System can be used for:
Domestic Hot Water (laundry, cleaning, showers)
Solar Radiant Space Heating
In floor radiant heating
Baseboard radiant heating
Forced hot air heating
Solar Central Cooling / AC Systems
Solar Pool & Spa Heating
Snow / Ice Melting Applications
Parking Lots
Common Public Location

Solar Energy and Personal Empowerment

 Harnessing the Sun: How Solar Energy Empowers Individuals and Communities Solar energy isn't just about powering homes; it's about ...